
Forklift Container Ramps

Forklift Container Ramps Forklift container ramp (fixed)

FACT Across Australia, the transport and storage industry has the highest injury rate for all industries, at nearly double the current average claims per 1000 employees[1]. FACT On the 10th February, 2006, a company was convicted and fined $17,500 after a worker was injured while helping to unload plate glass packages from a shipping container[2]. […]

Forklift Attachments: make your life easier

Forklift Attachments: make your life easier Forklift Safety Cage

Forklift attachments can make your life easier as they enable a traditional forklift to become a more productive and secure materials handling device. During the course of one day, a workshop that houses just a few employees can run into any sort of challenge that could be easily resolved with a simple attachment for the […]